Day 3: Oshawa to Cobourg

What happened at the start of the day?

We started the ride in the rain. 

Did you meet anyone new today?

Yes, and I saw Ian who played Grossery Gang with me. 

(We met Ian on the ride a number of years ago and he has been an enormous supporter of our adventures, and he's just an all round great guy.  He rode Andrew and Max into Cobourg, made a very generous donation, and joined us for a Max's Big Beer back at our accommodation. Most memorable for Max was that he takes the time to play with him - totally awesome). 

What was the most interesting thing you saw today?

We saw some huge and beautiful houses on the lake. I chose my house, and mummy chose hers, and we are going to build underground tunnels and elevators in them and make a way that we can visit each other's houses for secret meetings. 

If you had a farm and wanted to plant only your favourite foods, what would you plant?

Olive trees, if I wanted pickles of course I'd have to plant cucumbers, and peaches, plums and nectarines.